Please use a computer!
Signing up to Loan Tools involves designing your experiences as you go. To make sure you can see what they look like, you'll need to sign up using a computer.
Having trouble? Get in touch here.
Get Started with Loan Tools
Enter your email address to get started

Did you know?
Australian dwellings are valued at a total of $8.1 trillion, more than 3 times the value of the whole ASX!
Get Started
Let's start by choosing a role
I'm a Mortgage Broker
I'll use Loan Tools to receive loan referrals and manage referrers.
I'm a Referrer
I'll use Loan Tools to refer clients to a mortgage broker.
Almost there!
We've just sent you an email to confirm your details.
Important: If you haven't received an email from us, please check your spam folder.
If you're still having trouble, we can help you here.

Did you know?
Australian dwellings are valued at a total of $8.1 trillion, more than 3 times the value of the whole ASX!
Referrer Signup Code
Please enter the referral code provided by your Referral Partner.
Build a Referral Experience
Build a referral experience to refer clients to
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About You
Your Brand
Custom Background
Search millions of images from Unsplash
Custom Text
Make sure your experiences align to your brand's tone of voice
Additional Customisation
Experiences Created!
Your lending experiences have been created. Not sure where to start? Check out your Getting Started Guide.
Almost there!
We've just sent you an email to confirm your details.
Important: If you haven't received an email from us, please check your spam folder.
If you're still having trouble, we can help you here.

Did you know?
Australian dwellings are valued at a total of $8.1 trillion, more than 3 times the value of the whole ASX!

Check your loan health
In 90 seconds, understand how much you could save or spend on what matters most to you.
A complimentary service from
About You
Let's start with some details about you
About You
And now some details about your Company
Your Brand
Let's make your experiences reflect your brand
Current Rates
We're almost there
Are there any customisations you want to add?
Custom Background (+$10 / mth)
Add a custom background from Unsplash
Custom Text (+$10 / mth)
Use the voice of your customers
Custom Font (+$10 / mth)
Use a custom font from Google Fonts
Facebook (Meta) Pixel (+$10 / mth)
Helps re-engage your Facebook (Meta) visitors
Custom URL (+$99 / mth)
Use a custom url like coname.loantools.com.au
Custom Background
Search millions of images from Unsplash
Custom Text
Make sure your experiences align to your brand's tone of voice
Additional Customisation
Finalise your Subscription
Your Selections:
Standard Broker Package ($99 / Month)
Personalised Lending Experiences
Personalised Link in Bio
Unlimited Referrals
Custom Signage

Your Name
Your Role
Your Company

Check your loan health
In 90 seconds, understand how much you could save or spend on what matters most to you.
A complimentary service from